other titles...

​​Blue Garden​ 
  1. Dawn
  2. Slow Burn
  3. The Distance
  4. Toe Stepper
  5. (light)
  6. Illuminator
  7. Si_k_rs
  8. (night)
  9. A Casa

​​Delta Sleep​ 

​​Blue Garden​ 

​​Sofa Boy​ 
  • CD

    Released: 25th Oct 2024


Given the time to really hyper focus on the production resulted in the scope to draw inspiration from the realm of fantasy and the real world that has permeated its way into the band's sound both sonically and visually.

But it’s ‘Blue Garden’s’ lyrical themes which truly razes it into darkness. Underscored by the horrors unfolding in Palestine, it serves as a form of catharsis to a pure sense of helplessness. “So slowly, I can focus on my needs, to feel good in my body / Because in the end it’s all we got / As we watch the world burn, can’t you see that we’re burning” sings Devin Yüceil on ‘Slow Burn’, posing the question of how you come to terms about dealing with traumatic moments outside of your own personal sphere that you feel powerless and despair.