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LP - £22.99 £16.99 | Buy
A propulsive jagged and jangly blast of Indie-rock that is as good a reason to scuff up your favourite kicks on the dancefloor as we can imagine.
Heavy Metal


  1. The Rolling Stones
  2. Nausicaä (Love Will Be Revealed)
  3. Love Takes Miles
  4. Drinking Age
  5. Cancer of the Skull
  6. Try As I May
  7. We’re Thinking The Same Thing
  8. Nina In A Field of Cops
  9. 0$ Man
  10. Can’t Keep Anything

Cameron Winter (Geese)

Heavy Metal

Partisan / Play It Again Sam
  • CD

    Released: 6th Dec 2024

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‘Heavy Metal’ is the debut solo album from Geese frontman, Cameron Winter.

It’s an unexpected sonic left turn from Geese’s now-patented brand of jam-adjacent indie twang. Winter mostly forgoes stadium-sized guitars in favour of a softer touch that puts his mystical, imaginative lyrical style on full display. Occasionally confounding, endlessly rewarding, ‘Heavy Metal’ reveals Winter as a chameleonic master of his craft, a shapeshifting singer-songwriter in the mould of greats like Dylan, Cohen and Nilsson.