other titles...

Long Lost
  1. The Moon Doesn’t Mind
  2. Mine Forever
  3. (One Helluva Performer)
  4. Love Me Like You Used To
  5. Meet Me In The City
  6. (Sing For Us Tonight)
  7. Long Lost
  8. Twenty Long Years
  9. Drops In The Lake
  10. Where Did Time Go
  11. Not Dead Yet
  12. (Deep Down Inside Ya)
  13. I Lied ft. Alison Ponthier
  14. At Sea
  15. What Do It Mean
  16. Time’s Blur

Lord Huron

Long Lost

Whispering Pines Studios Inc.

After causing a whole lot of chatter amongst audiences and critics alike, Lord Huron have begun to unwind the little riddle they’ve been spinning over the past few months and announce their fourth full-length album, LONG LOST.

At the same time, the news only raises more questions. What can fans expect? What did the band lose and how long has it been lost? And who the hell is WBUB’s Mr. Tubbs Tarbell? All these questions have been brewing as easter eggs from the upcoming album have been revealed during Lord Huron’s Alive from Whispering Pines series. During its first episode, viewers were introduced to Mr. Tubbs Tarbell, fell under the spell of commercials that may very well be lost tapes from the past, and were treated to some incredible performances by Lord Huron. The band played some old songs including “Meet Me In The Woods” and provided a sneak peek at some new songs. The episode also featured a hotline where fans could call in and ask Mr. Tarbell questions and request songs from the band. Episode 2 included additional cryptic clues, more beautiful performances from Lord Huron (including “The World Ender” and “Frozen Pines”). Last night on Alive From Whispering Pines, Lord Huron performed their triple-platinum single “The Night We Met” as well as fan favorites “Ghost on The Shore” and “Never Ever.” To help answer all these lingering questions, Tubbs has put out an official letter into the multiverse from Whispering Pines Studios describing the mythical tale of recording Long Lost with Lord Huron and the origins of its cosmic music.