other titles...

Formentera II
  1. Detour Up
  2. Just The Once
  3. Stone Window
  4. Days of Oblivion
  5. Who Would You Be For Me?
  6. Suckers
  7. Nothing Is Perfect
  8. Descendants
  9. Go Ahead and Cry


Formentera II

metric / thirty tigers
  • limited indies only translucent pink lp

    Released: 13th Oct 2023

  • lp

    Released: 13th Oct 2023


Formentera II brings us to our eighteen song conclusion.

“In 2022, we released the first half of our double album and we called it Formentera," explains Metric's Emily Haines. "These nine songs are the second half of the whole, but linear time is a construct, and in fact these songs were mostly written and recorded before the nine songs that are on the first album, Formentera. What now? The years 2020-2023 are a backward / forward blur for many people on planet Earth, and the way we released this body of work is part of our testament to that uniquely weird shared experience. Like the first nine tracks, the songs of Formentera II were recorded at Main Street Studios, a transformed church in a rural hamlet, with our tried and true co-engineering & co-production trinity of Jimmy Shaw, Liam O’Neil, and Gus Van Go guiding the unpredictable process to completion. Todor Kobakov, our longtime friend and collaborator, introduced us to Drew Jurecka, who composed, arranged, and recorded the strings on “Just The Once.”