other titles...

Marjaa: The Battle Of The Hotels
  1. Etel
  2. Kharita
  3. Baynana
  4. Mudun
  5. Haigazian (October 22)
  6. Burj Al Murr (October 25 to 27)
  7. Markaz Azraq (December 6)
  8. Markaz Ahmar (December 6 suite)
  9. Al Hisar (December 8)
  10. Holiday Inn (January to March)
  11. Holiday Inn (March 21 to 29)
  12. Al Irth

Mayssa Jallad

Marjaa: The Battle Of The Hotels

Ruptured / Six of Swords
  • very limited 140g lp (300 only)

    Released: 3rd Nov 2023


this album from the the Lebanese singer, songwriter, and architect has a touch of grouper's ethereal majesty about it.

The album comprises two parts. Part A: Dahaliz, is a stroll in the city, where Jallad tries (and fails) to follow an old map. Musician Youmna Saba is a companion in this journey of remembering the once winding corridors (“Dahaliz”) of the city, destroyed by new developments since the 1960s. Empty skyscrapers propel her onto a past filled with the violence of snipers, and a present filled with the glamorous injustice of empty luxury real estate endorsed by powerful warlords-turned-politicians. In Part B: Maaraka, Jallad inhabits the building of the Battle of the Hotels, as its events unfold. She calls the fighting militias the Blues and Reds, respectively the Lebanese Front (Christian Nationalists) and the Lebanese National Movement (Pro-Palestinian leftists), leveling the playing field, and drawing a map of the battle through songwriting. Sary Moussa produces the conclusion of the battle in “Holiday Inn (March 21 to 29)”, which ends with the ultimate severance of the city of Beirut. The music caters to post-war youth who have never been taught this difficult history.