other titles...

Bite Down


  1. On Tonight
  2. Rewind
  3. Hills on Fire
  4. My Kind
  5. Bite Down
  6. Hopeless
  7. Slow Pain
  8. Is It Too Late
  9. Change Is in the Form
  10. May It Be on Offer


Bite Down

  • black lp + download

    Released: 22nd Mar 2024


A searching, hungry record by an artist who is resolved to bite down on life, in all its horror and joy.

'Bite Down' is Rosali’s second album working with Mowed Sound, and there is urgency and ambition in their collaboration a band pushing each other not just to expand on what they’ve already done together, but to break through into altogether new territory. Among those joining Rosali and her band there is Dan Bejar of Destroyer, who waxes poetically on where she’s been, where she’s going, and how thrilling Bite Down is to experience: It’s hard to talk about Rosali’s music. Songs that reach outward like this, but then constantly disarm with their intimacy. What do you call such inner searching that is hellbent on rollicking? Songs that long for a sense of peace and songs that want romance, all on equal footing in the same plot of earth? Performed wild, but always centered around the incredible lyrical calm that is Rosali’s voice.