other titles...

Optimistic Sizing
  1. Idiot Fill
  2. BSA Day
  3. Nicely Done
  4. The Lurker
  5. Excuses
  6. Small Change
  7. Hymns
  8. TJOMT
  9. Space News
  10. Words Strongest


Optimistic Sizing

  • super limited indies only pink lp (200 only)

    Released: 26th Apr 2024


Objections might follow the Minutemen music-as-socialism blueprint (each member in charge of their own chunk of sonic landscape and mindful of the boundaries of the others) but rather than be constrained by these apparent limitations, they are somehow freed by them.

'Optimistic Sizing' comprises ten kitchen-sink dramas, ten miniature worlds to lose yourself in. The key topics are covered: performative royal mourning, ill-suited sexual relationships, coastal gentrification, motormouth bigots and–of course–snogging. These tales of 21stcentury existence are set to a musical backing that is joyous and wild. The guitar operates as a detonation device, a musical firework display to energise and punctuate the songs. The bass anchors with irresistible melodic and rhythmic hooks. The drums make complex and dizzying patterns seem effortlessly human, natural and always very, very danceable. FFO: The Casual Dots, The Ex, The Slits, Gang Of Four, No Means No, Erase Errata