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John Moreland

In The Throes (2024 Reissue)

remastered lp - £21.99 | Buy
remastered cd - £11.99 | Buy
A remastered reissue of this shop fave's stunning 2013 album, featuring "Break My Heart Sweetly" and "3:59 AM".
John Moreland

Birds In The Ceiling

lp - £19.99 | Buy
Moreland is in decidedly cogent form on this further exploration of musical ideas and internal strife - it's going to take some serious unpeeling to get to ...
  1. The Future Is Coming Fast
  2. Gentle Violence
  3. One Man Holds the World Hostage
  4. Sobo Interlude
  5. The More You Say the Less It Means
  6. Will the Heavens Catch Us
  7. Blue Dream Carolina
  8. Silver Silver
  9. Ain’t Much I Can Do About It
  10. No Time
  11. Bixhoma Interlude
  12. Visitor

John Moreland


thirty tigers
  • lp

    Released: 31st May 2024


'Visitor', a folk-rock record that is intimate, immediate, deeply thoughtful, and catchy as hell.

Moreland recorded the album at his home in Bixby, Oklahoma, in only ten days, playing nearly every instrument himself (his wife Pearl Rachinsky sang on one song, and his longtime collaborator John Calvin Abney contributed a guitar solo), as well as engineering and mixing the album. “Simplicity and immediacy felt very important to the process,” he says. This is a return to the approach Moreland took on his breakthrough albums, 2013’s 'In The Throes' and 2015’s 'High On Tulsa Heat' - both of which were largely self-recorded at home with a small cadre of additional musicians.