other titles...
See also...
- Descent
- Neon Signs
- Mirror
- Window
- Passage
- Body Moves
- Ribbon
- Fleuve
- Humanhood
- Irreversible Damage
- Lonely
- Aurora
- Sewing
The Weather Station
Fat Possum
Tamara Lindeman (The Weather Station) has laid it all on the line with this disarmingly buoyant musical excavation of the head-spinning difficulties that life throws up, seemingly when you feel least prepared for it.
And, with a little help from 6 incredibly talented musical friends, she miraculously works this sensation into heartfelt, jazz-inflected, folk-pop that winds through your bones like a rapidly coursing stream. Much of 'Humanhood' is a riveting and real document of what it means to be lost, to be hamstrung by confusion, unease, and grief for a period so long you begin to wonder if there is an end. In the fall of 2023, Tamara Lindeman gathered six musicians at Canterbury Music Company, where she had recorded Ignorance and How Is It That I Should Look at the Stars. Several of these players—drummer Kieran Adams, keyboardist Ben Boye, percussionist Phillippe Melanson, reed-and-wind specialist Karen Ng, and bassist Ben Whiteley—had worked together but never in this specific arrangement or context.