other titles...
- Fall
- Instrument
- Un-No
- Resistance
- Mortise and Tenon
- Translate
- Brainwash
- Careful
- Paralyzer
- Nobody Can Save Me Now
- Infinity
hold / still
Secretly Canadian
we love suuns - we've always loved suuns - but now we are completely in love with the canadian band as their 3rd studio album is an enigmatic thing: an eerily beautiful, meticulously played suite of music that embraces opposites & makes a virtue of cognitive dissonance.
it's been on the stereo constantly for months & we are nowhere near tired of it because it's a record that does not give up its secrets easily. it gets you into a dark groove, takes a grip & takes you on one hell of a ride. A natural step on from their 2 previous awesome albums & yet a marked departure, 'Hold/Still' is a cerebral exploration of how to take live & analogue instruments & create a deeply textured electronic record. this is a band as inspired by the dark groove textures of Andy Stott, the flourishing arpeggios of James Holden or the serrated productions of Death Grips as anything familiarly rock. these new puritans & liars come to mind as their only natural peers. outstanding!
james cooper recommends: "this is 'locked-in-the-zone-head-nod-music' that sits well in headphones or on a huge sound system. totally gets me hitting rewind everytime"
natasha recommends: "flippin’ heck! these Canadians have mastered their dark, cerebral grooves on an incredible album that’s as beautiful as it is brutal"