- Too Small For Eyes
- It Hurts Until it Doesn’t
- Copper Mines
- Nesting Behavior
- Lockjaw
- Blood-Letting
- Burden of Proof
Hold Your Own Hand
When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired
Wichita Recordings
edgy, intimate folk rock from the georgia-based quartet - breathtakingly honest & rooted in the beautiful songwriting of lead singer Kristine Leschper.
sitting somehere between angel olsen, waxahatchee & courtney barnett, these stunning songs are filtered through leschper's frequently difficult, personal microcosmic experiences, but she relates them in a manner that is at once highly affectionate & readily universal. a wonderful album & a real grower. "existential fatigue & self-interrogation - these themes & more are all, somehow, transmitted by [leschper's] lullaby-soft delivery without ever having their intensity muted" 4/5 - q.
kurtis recommends: "definitely the strongest debut of the year. steeped in anxiety and loneliness. a future force to watch out for"