other titles...
- Must’ve Been High
- Dead In The Water
- Barricade
- Roamin’ Round
- Hungover Together
- Non-Addictive Marijuana
- Blow You Away
- The Captain
- Roadworn And Weary
- Hangin’ Out With Me
- Juicy Pureballs
- One Cigarette Away
- Hangliders
- Supersucker Drive-By Blues
Must’ve Been High (2023 reissue)
Improved Sequence
Using their garagey, post-hardcore punk as a launching pad, they delve deeply into country, even recording with Willie Nelson on one cut.
Tellingly, the Supersuckers sound their best when they go for a snotty update of cowpunk -- compared with their metal and Stooges-obsessed contemporaries, the band sounds positively fresh with the little bit of twang. Must've Been High is an intoxicating concoction of fiery riffs, goofy humor and punk attitude