other titles...
- Tears All Over Town
- Kathleen
- Girls Can Really Tear You Up Inside
- The Long Goodbye
- Somebody Hurt You
- People Used To Dream About The Future
- Heartache
- Life Through The Same Lens
- Did You See The Moon Tonight
- Little Bird
- Golden
A Girl Called Eddy
A Girl Called Eddy (20th Anniversary Edition)
Last Night From Glasgow
This sumptuous debut LP is a masterclass in songwriting and delivery.
An album that, had it been released in the mid 1970s, would have been spoken of in the same revered tones normally reserved for 'Tapestry' or 'Pirates'. Imagine Karen Carpenter covering the Bacharach song book in Phil Spector's wall of sound and you'd wouldn't be far off this albums genius. Respectfully remastered by Paul McGeechan (Starless, Love & Money, Friends Again)