other titles...
- Gentle
- No Comprende
- Spanish Translation
- Congregation
- No End
- Into You
- What Part of Me
- The Innocents
- Kid in the Corner
- Lies
- Landslide
- DJ
Ones and Sixes
balancing light & dark, spaciousness & claustrophobia, abrasion & melody, this feels like the band's most complete journey since 2005's astonishing 'the great destroyer', book-ended by some of the finest songs of their career.
the brilliant production leaves wide open spaces for you to lose yourself in & makes for a record that works equally well on quiet headphones as it does cranked up to the max. perfectly marrying sparhawk's rough energy (usually channelled into his retribution gospel choir project) to parker's sublime melancholy, the loud-quiet-loud-quiet sonics bring in subtle electronic elements that flesh out the minimal drums/guitar/vocals set up. when low are this overwhelming (as they often are), you can't separate the tears of sadness from those of elation. outstanding. "one of the most impressive albums of their career" 4/5 - mojo.