- All That Matters
- Standing On The Roof Of The World
- Hope Lasts
- Tenderly
- Don’t Take It Out On Me
- Invisible City (Bonus CD Only Track)
- Octavia
- Awake But Always Dreaming
- Conversations
- Foreverest
- Cars In The Garden (FT Hayden Thorpe)
Awake But Always Dreaming
My Own Pleasure
This is an exquisite album of two halves: vibrant colour in the early stages contrasted with esoteric, dreamscape, legato movements towards the end.
this is a record with 2 distinct perspectives on memory: the luminous & beautiful formation of memories & the devastating loss of slow, insidious damage to the mind. The bright, raw magic & joy of personal relationships are set alongside the gradual loss of her grandmother to dementia. A childhood spent in the landscape of the Irish coast inspires a sense of openness in the music but there’s also a complex, darker, percussive thrust to these songs, as adult city life intrudes &, in its own way, inspires.