- Way to Say Goodbye
- This Still Life
- Emptiness Follows
- Only Child
- Chariot
- Back to Earth
- Soft Lines
Day Out of Time
Aoife Nessa Frances
Partisan Records
Shaped in the serenity of morning’s barely cracked open eyes, ‘Protector’ makes light work of its various subject matters, choosing instead to paint them gloriously via glossy guitarwork, vibrant synthesis, subtle bass, and a voice set to soothe.
“These songs were written in the magic hour before the world wakes up.” It’s a magic hour worth dragging yourself out of bed for. The resulting body of work deftly juxtaposes golden hours & arguments, affection & alienation in a crucial period of her life.
After falling in love with the smokey luminescence of Aoife’s 2020 Basin Rock-released debut album, ‘Land Of No Junction’ in the Partisan office, the ever-evolving label made it their mission to work with the mesmerising Irish musician. You may remember that we were big fans of her debut too, so we’re thrilled to be able to offer you a special Dinked Edition package of her new recordings.
‘Protector’ builds pastoral landscapes through light flourishes and open spaces. Songs float along effortlessly, remaining anchored by Frances’ deep voice. Contemplative tempos tug along atmospheric synths, minimal bass, and shimmering guitar notes, conveying a serenity like early morning. Frances found that the noiselessness allowed her, at long last, to listen to herself. The songs find the resonance in the hum of life, trapping glimpses of light and crystalising them into new modes of being.
Contemplative tempos tug along atmospheric synths, minimal bass & shimmering guitar notes - yum.