other titles...

various artists
  1. Maitreya Kali - “One Last Farewell”
  2. Gary Higgins - “Thicker Than A Smokey”
  3. Alicia May - “Summer Days”
  4. Dan Gillmor & Doug McClaran - “Ghost Song”
  5. Bobb Trimble - “One Mile From Heaven”
  6. Bob Patterson - “Friends Of Mine”
  7. Jim Sullivan - “Jerome”C
  8. Chuck & Mary Perrin - “Corrine”
  9. Dan Modlin & Dave Scott - “Loser, Lover”
  10. Billy Hallquist - “Persephone”
  11. Richard Goldman -  “Sweethearts”
  12. Olav Rixen & Ulrich Fausten - “Pilgrimade”
  13. Naomi Lewis - “More Beautiful”
  14. Jerry and Nancy Stevens - “A Little Resolution”
  15. Merrell Fankhauser - “On Our Way To Hana”
  16. Michael Angelo - “Field Of Lonely Eyes”
  17. Carm Mascarenhas - “In The Sun”
  18. Joe & Bing - “Daybreak”
  19. Philip John Lewin - “Diamond Love”
  20. Michael Yonkers - "And Give It To You"


various artists

  • cd

    Released: 7th Jul 2023


a Superb compilation of 70s Outsider Singer/Songwriter Private Press Gems.

a dreamy travel through the 70's and beyond private singer songwriters scene. There have always been privately-pressed records. A “private” LP is an album that has been composed, performed, recorded and edited usually very- DIY style by the very artist or by an amateur label. A private press record is, above all, an act of the artistic urge. It’s an act that takes place outiside of the industry out of need, out of a lack of knowledge out of love, out of a drive, out of ambition... you can choose among the many reasons. Depending on their genre, origins, time, and above all, quality, some of these efforts have become valuable pieces for the music collector