other titles...

  1. The Gate
  2. The Tower
  3. Collapsing Mouth
  4. Unscrolling
  5. Desiderata
  6. Incarnadine
  7. Tailhead
  8. Ultramarine

Mary Halvorson


  • 140g lp

    Released: 19th Jan 2024

  • cd

    Released: 19th Jan 2024


The album features eight new compositions by Brooklyn-based guitarist & composer, Halvorson, performed with her sextet Amaryllis.

“All the music on 'Cloudward' was written in 2022, mostly in the fall and winter, when things started moving forward. Life felt like a creaky machine starting up again,” she continues. “Air travel, however chaotic, had resumed, and we were once again cloudward. Performances and tours and recordings were happening after a long hiatus and with a renewed sense of gratitude. This band, for me, was quite simply working, both musically and personally, and the main thing I felt while writing the music was optimism.”

The Guardian said Halvorson’s 2022 double release “shows how far this single-minded original has come, and affords a glimpse of how far she may go. Both sessions confirm how years of jaggedly lyrical solo and ensemble improvising and a quirkily subversive affection for mainstream music have now nurtured a composer of unpredictable but warmly expressive character… These are new landmarks in Halvorson’s already inimitable discography.” Pitchfork said, “Amaryllis and Belladonna are distinct statements; one could hear either album on its own without a sense that something is missing. But they are most powerful when taken together, like a landscape and its reflection in rippling water.”