other titles...
See also...
- Boys in the Band
- Terf Wars
- Mr Lovebomb
- Lads Lads Lads
- Help Me I'm Gay
- White Van
- Fuck Myself (Live)
- Big Dick Energy (Live)
Lambrini Girls
You're Welcome
big scary monsters
Bold, brash, and bolshy - these local tearaways are proper - stopping shows to nip to the shops and load up on their namesake, creating safe spaces for all, enlisting their audience into communal catharsis and, somehow, they’ve captured this cavalier punk spirit on record too.
“The best band in the world. Imagine your nan is in the boot of your car with a croissant in her mouth and hears Bikini Kill for the first time. That could be you. It will never be us, as we are not Bikini Kill, and we are not your nan. We are Lambrini Girls. Bon appétit.”