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Carol Ann Duffy

Feminine Gospels

paperback book - £10.99 | Pre Order
In Feminine Gospels, Carol Ann Duffy draws on the historical, the archetypal, the biblical and the fantastical to create various visions - and revisions - of fe...
The World's Wife

Carol Ann Duffy

The World's Wife

  • paperback book

    Released: 11th Jan 2024


Who? Him - The Husband - Hero - Hunk - The Boy Next Door - The Paramour - The Je t'adore.

Behind every famous man is a great woman and from the quick-tongued Mrs Darwin to the lascivious Frau Freud, from the adoring Queen Kong to the long-suffering wife of the Devil himself, each one steps from her counterpart's shadow to tell her side of the story in this irresistible collection. Original, subversive, full of imagination and quicksilver wit, The World's Wife is Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy at her beguiling best.